March 10, 2025

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Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn?

Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn

To develop your own spectacular appearance, It is sometimes useful to know, How to create yourself a celebrity.
Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn are the two brightest stars of the past century.

Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн

On the photo: Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn

They created their own memorable style, attention to detail appearance, hairstyle, gait, manners.

Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн. Фото

Both are adorable, but such different. Audrey Hepburn is a synonym of elegance and grace, Lady to the tips of the nails, trendsetter. Marilyn Monroe as a sex symbol 20 century with angelic face.

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Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн

Hepburn is full of nobility. She's more Lady, not a girl. Audrey Hepburn is a true classic, innocent beauty, the embodiment of femininity and at the same time the complete opposite of what, that was considered a women's (high, brunette, suhoshhavaja, with a boyish figure).

Happiness doesn't come to your life with fanfare. The most beautiful things, those, what give you true happiness, come on tiptoe, quiet… and are waiting, when will you notice them.
Audrey Hepburn

Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн. Фото

Take a look at today's models. They, конечно, more similar to Hepburn, than on Monroe. But Monroe more imitators in the life, and not on the catwalk.

Фигура Мэрилин Монро и фигура Одри Хепберн. Фото

The figure of Marilyn Monroe and the figure of Audrey Hepburn

Marilyn Monroe chose stupid image, but charming blonde and hit the nail on the head. She showed women, How to please men, how to create an attractive and seductive image.

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Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн. Фото

Nobody ever told me about, that I'm beautiful, when i was a little girl. All little girls should talk about, that they are beautiful, even if they are not.
Marilyn Monroe

Many stars imitate Monroe, but no one will ever be able to repeat her smile, her laughter.

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Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн. Фото

by the way, smile is the most unique and memorable in any man. Smile more often!!! Especially don't forget sincerely smile and even laugh when photographing. Because a smile not only glorified Marilyn Monroe. Remember at least the inimitable Julia Roberts. Perhaps, and you shall glorify smile.

Read more:
* Style Marilyn Monroe, its success secrets for men
* Audrey Hepburn: 10 Beauty Secrets

So, still,, Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn? Which one is more beautiful and more attractive?



reviews: 46

  • Alexander

    At the same time, the actress knows very well the features of her figure and chooses outfits, that emphasize her personality, focus on a thin waist and at the same time, visually stretch the figure, adding to the actress a little height. Most often, the star exploits the Hollywood style of the diva of the 60s, which was once fashioned by Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn .

  • Irina

    Marilyn is an inimitable beauty by nature, style only emphasized her divine beauty. Audrey is far from her in every sense – she looks like a transvestite! Many people know about the world conspiracy, on population decline… Perhaps the unisex look is meant to serve a similar purpose, After all, for something a lot of money was invested by someone, seeking power over the world, who just doesn't do anything. by the way, Marilyn was by no means stupid. Apparently, someone else also needed to make all blonde white women look like fools, their own blackies – Vice versa, support…

  • mcsuper@?,)

    Marilyn is certainly beautiful , and fakturney…
    .If they both went out into the street and around and the people would come running,
    then all eyes would be more focused on Marilyn, than audrey,
    just her attractiveness is off scale.…

  • Alice

    Lots of bad comments from people , which , as I understand, they don't really know anything about the women themselves, judged only by looks and a couple of films. Love marilyn! To her I love at first sight for a lifetime. hey thanks, I got rid of complexes. Now everywhere advertise thinness. How many girls are ruining their health in pursuit of “fashionable” figure?! Horror ! Therefore, Marilyn with her feminine forms is a great example for girls. , who are not naturally endowed with thinness , like audrey. Marilyn is a talented actress. No matter how weak the movie is, but if Monroe plays in it, he tightens, and you watch this film many more times, just because of the magic of the actress! As much as I love Audrey, I watched only a couple of films with her, the rest remained unseen. Both actresses are beautiful, both are clean, gentle, there were problems in my personal life , like one , so is the other. Audrey's husbands cheated on her, Monroe's husbands did not understand her. Audrey – lovely Holly Golightly, and Holly Golightly Truman Capote wrote with Marilyn, because they were friends, he loved her and wanted Monroe to play Holly. Audrey I really like. But I love Monroe and I will be grateful to her for the other world, what she left us. She is talented , smart (read so many books, how many never read, who writes here about her, that she is a fool), beautiful, as he said about her author “Breakfast at Tiffany's” Truman Capote: “beautiful child”.

    • Bla-bla-Fashion

      Alice, Thank you for your lovely comment!

  • Denis

    I give preference Marilyn Monroe, she is a real lady, and there is much to look at, but Audrey? What can she enjoy? Yes some knuckles, And more like a boy than a woman…
    Monroe 162cm parameters 58 kg 90-60-90
    Audrey Height: 170see 50 kg 81-51-89
    See the difference in shape parameter, and all clear that Audrey aneroksichka… Monroe limit of perfection!

  • Vika

    Audrey Hepburn, Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, Sharon Stone – it's natural beauty, force, intelligence and style, these are women, which I personally admire. They are whole individuals, not just a screen image, pompous, artsy and unnatural, like many, to which I include Merlin Monroe. As for, as someone said, “bony” figures of the same Audrey Hepburn, a blind, millions of women do not hesitate to sell their souls to the devil, to take such forms, a wasp waist, like Audrey, and I among them…. although with the figure I have everything perfectly…, but there is no limit to perfection 🙂

  • Vika

    How can we talk, that Marilyn Monroe is much more feminine Audrey????????????? People, you without eyes???????? Audrey goddess, it is the standard of beauty and style, just an incredibly beautiful woman!!!!!!!!!! These almond-shaped eyes, where you can drown, These beautifully defined lips, perfect oval face, cheekbone – just envy takes…, these are the cheekbones allow a woman to have absolutely any style, hairstyle. But the most amazing thing in my opinion is, God gave Audrey not only natural beauty, but also a huge heart, kindness, intelligence, sense of style, and undeniably aristocracy!!!! This is a woman with the breed. And people like Monroe are a dime a dozen…, it's just laugh, so many plastic surgeries, the stupidest not only on screen, but also in life, thick, undersized, yes in the end Monroe – This <отмодерировано>

  • Danneel

    Are there people, capable of offending such an angel, like Audrey Hepburn? she is beautiful, feminine, it – style icon! I've never been a fan of Marilyn, but I will never offend her. it – low. They are both great women, imitate them, they are admired. In my opinion, Audrey is more worthy of respect and admiration, although it, конечно, depends on the moral principles of each. Compare them – silly. In addition, that they are considered great women 20 centuries, tie them up actually, more and nothing.

  • olegandron

    I see, that Merlin's supporters admire her here as a Barbie doll. No more. Read about her, see objectively what kind of life she lived, how to relate to others, how and what she had finished.

  • Marilyn4ever

    Reading all these comments, I think, “God,what kind of people are low! They humiliate such GREAT actresses!! Some write: Audrey – then, Audrey is everything, others: Marilyn – This, Marilyn – then. I don't even want to read!” God, I love both Marilyn and Audrey! and I don't want to choose between them! Maryillne is just an angel, who wanted to be loved and paid attention to, because as a child she really missed it! I just want to say that there is no need to compare sexuality with elegance.!
    Each is good in its own way, Marilyn is the epitome of sexuality, and Audrey – elegance!
    And each of these ladies had their own flavor! And I find it silly to compare Marilyn and Audrey, and even more so choose between them! Because both Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn – the most beautiful actresses of the twentieth century! And there is no point in writing nasty things about these two charming ladies!

  • anna

    For some reason, everyone loves to remember “heavy” childhood Monroe, although this is refuted by the famous biographer Donald Spot. And who had it easy? if you read the biography of silent film star Clara Bow, the picture there is no better, if not worse. I think, that a happy childhood in general falls in this life to a few. As for Hollywood actresses, it seems to me, that the majority of the same manners, facial expressions and grimaces, the same Monroe much took over from Jean Harlow, what has never concealed

  • Kate

    How can you compare….sorry, empty <отмодерировано - оскорбения на этом сайте запрещены>… with divine Audrey Hepburn…

  • Anjuta

    Marilyn – cheerful girl! super style, super smile!

  • Love

    Never thought, that Marilyn will have to protect. But I read the comments, in which the presence of the soul and talent of this great artist was questioned. I'm not a man, to observe and evaluate certain “sexuality” in Monroe. I do not see the emphasis that your advertised “sexuality”. I see in it the spiritual purity, like a child, tenderness, bezzashtitnosty, angelic inspiration and light from within, which is only in divinely inspired genius personalities. It's not just external beauty. This beauty is first of all inner, high standard artistry, forcing to transform outwardly beyond recognition. Subtle acting, high comedic talent. The game is by no means flat (which we see all the time in modern cinema), and the game is very voluminous and multi-layered – Marilyn said so much more, rather than conditional on the primitive text and scripts. nuances Weight, accents, stir the imagination of delightful image transformations, gestures, movements, facial expressions – all, which cannot be decomposed into components… This is why it cannot be repeated – this is a great work multiplied by a brilliant talent. Nobody was able to recreate this image. If someone doubts her mental ability – find a fool and call her a star. There are many shameful caricature modern examples of this. But this does not apply to Marilyn. In all other respects only One, whose name is a sin to say vain – her judge. Only He knows all the untapped potential of its and its very essence, not for show.

  • Alena-Osipova

    Write comments, pier, how can they be compared? And then they themselves begin to do the same. Awesome!
    I like Hepburn! And her figure is not boyish, as the author described above, and fragile! Incredibly charming girl)

  • Anna

    Horror, who then says that Audrey Hepburn – goddess of goddesses, beautiful beautiful, style and taste icon, Queen! – these are only knuckles?
    If Marilyn had “mouth-watering” I quote the forms, it doesn't make her a goddess and the most beautiful woman. Да, not arguing, she had a very beautiful face, smile, signature mole and platinum hair. But that's all!!!
    Men of her time, By the way, including her eating partners. site spoke disparagingly about her.
    At the sight of Audrey, a man will fall at her feet, wants to hug her and never let her go. YOU WERE AT LEAST ONE FILM “BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S”, looking at it you will understand that everyone there is Monroe – bullshit. And not a single man stayed with her for a long time., everyone ran away, having slept. Audrey has food. beloved husband and children until death. Draw conclusions!

  • Olga

    they, who is more attracted to the flesh and lower instincts, usually choose Monroe. And that doesn't mean, that she is not admirable, because being sexy is also an art. Society as a whole is more attracted to sexuality, rather than the human soul, because Merlin has had greater success and public acceptance. Audrey was spiritually taller than Monroe., smarter, more graceful and stylish. She didn't focus all her attention on her looks., her beauty is natural, she did not hide her age and did not poison herself with barbiturates just because people would not see, how is she getting old, but devoted herself all to children from poor countries. I don't think, Audrey specially dieted, she just was not up to the food, it is too much devoted herself to others, not sparing himself. As I noted above man, it caused no lust, and chivalrous feelings. Lust in man is able to cause each passerby, but to awaken in man the knight, defender can not far from every. I am in favor of Audrey Hepburn.

  • lalola

    Marilyn, Marilyn, Marilyn! For all 100 % it is better!
    Marilyn at all times. She is really talented and beautiful girl. But Audrey can inspire action! on samoubystvo!
    Antyutok and Natali! Firstly!role “Breakfast at Tiffany's” gave Hepburn, Because it itself Marilyn refused her on the advice of Lee Strasberg. And by the way writer copied the role of Holly it was with Marilyn, so as he was familiar with it! if you do not know the truth do not write nonsense! Marilyn is not a platitude! It istinnnaya sexuality! This woman and after his death, for the past 50 years does not leave the hearts of people!And Hepburn! But who knows her! It can and it is known in America or in England, but in Russia it who knows?

    And Marilyn all know srl!All people have ever heard the name of Marilyn and watching a movie in my life “Some Like It Hot”!And generally speaking,How do you know that Marilyn was the soul is worse than Audrey? She is, by the way, I traveled with charity for orphanages!Her life was very difficult!She had a very difficult childhood!I do not argue,Audrey also had a difficult childhood during the war!But Audrey loved!And Marilyn lived his whole life without love!From childhood to wander detdomam.Odin times even almost raped!And generally speaking, I doubt very much that she killed herself!This confirms a very strong fact-she had to be a second wedding with Joe DiMaggio 8 August, besides,that she died on the night of 4 on 5 August!And still,Mr. Lol,If you have not seen,a stunningly beautiful girl was Norma Jean, do not write nonsense!And before you call the goddess of sleaze, Look on the internet that it is only a cosmetic surgery done in my life, slightly changing the shape of the chin! Marilyn – woman forever, and Hepburn lishby mediocre girl!

  • whales

    What was Marilyn to plastic surgery,(a) ?
    No need to compare AUDREY GREAT and some sleaze.

    • Igor

      The same was beautiful and cekcualnoy.. And it's very feminine..

  • Anjutok

    AK, totally agree with you!! Audrey leads to action.
    This is higher than the, what motivates Marilyn.
    No doubt.

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