February 12, 2025

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11 signs of the glamorous girl

Glamor girl

Not only fashion, over time, changing the style and concept of stylish man. However, even the notion of “stylish girl” now changed. Now it is fashionable to speak “glamour girl”, fashionable to wear glamorous things and glamorous to behave. And yes men zapadajut more on glamorous… What has changed?

Гламурные девушки

Good to know…
The word "glamor» glamour formed in the Middle Ages from the grammar "grammar", "book", … "Spellbook". Considered glamorous people, to captivate, fascinate, “witch”. The term has become increasingly popular in 18 century thanks to Sir Walter Scott's poem "The Song of the Last Minstrel". The word meant a magical gift to transform themselves and all around (accommodation, things) more beautiful. Now the term has lost its supernatural. Now it belongs to the ordinary people, all of which also have “magical gift” of all makes perfect, and by their presence “enchant” others.

11 signs of the glamorous girl

Kate Moss, liu jo

1. She seduces, captivates, fascinates and leaves an indelible mark in memory. BUT! Glamour girl above the scandals and not allowing itself to be expressed roughly. When she leaves the House, dvorovaya shpana even stops talking obscenities.

2. Glamor girl always knows that it is now fashionable, but buy only what, that fits on a shape, as well as existing things. In clothes prefers elegant style. However, her work out any fashionable images.

3. More recently, all the ladies unanimously hated pink. Today from the glamorous girl clothes definitely have things in shades of pink (from Royal rose to coral), and she knows exactly, What shade of pink she is suitable.

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spring Fashion. Stylish images from Rinascimento collection

Glamour girl easily distinguish “ashes of roses” from salmon. Until all are Fuchsia, it excellent replaces it no less fashionable shade of pink, to be special and stand out from the crowd.

In shades of pink

In shades of pink

by the way, glamour girl recently successfully implemented in your wardrobe stuff color nude - it's so stylish and allows the last year things look newfangled. they are awesome!

4. Glamor girl does not change completely wardrobe every season, thought surrounding. I must say, and let a few people know, that she lives often at one small salary, TC-CC… But she knows how to present old favorite things in a new light and has impeccable sense of style. He knows, that the bag should be chosen not to footwear, (a) clothing. He is fluent ability to combine colors and make stylish clothing sets even for cold days.

Kate Moss, liu jo

Kate Moss, liu jo

5. We always glamorous beauty stylish make-up - the place and the time. She knows, where to find makeup lessons is free.

6. It used to be, What a stylish girl should behave arrogantly and walk the streets, fix mysterious gaze into the distance, not noticing even the oncoming friends. Modern glamour girl always gracious, well-regulated and owns the art of inner smile. When meeting friends it is always the first signs of welcome, Perhaps, It therefore everywhere are happy.

Stills from the film & quot; Beauty"

Stills from the film “Beautiful girl”

In conversations or comments she never speaks ill of others, It doesn't occur to seem clever at the expense of others, pointing out mistakes and trying to prove, that they're wrong (even if it is) is it all don't need it, because she knows, that everyone is different and everyone has the right to be wrong. She is always respect the opinions of others, even if she did not agree with him. But she is able to express its views so delicately, that does not offend anyone, and never “navigates to the personality”.

Beautiful girl supports not only friends, But even strangers, for example, in social networks. Why not put “lyke” good photo, unknown girl? Or not to say “Thank you, I think so too” in response to someone else's comment? She is not afraid to support the human Word, who are attacking, and knows how to defuse a tense situation joke is successful. She commits such small good deeds every day. It is simply!

7. Glamour girl travels a lot, -It allows it to develop myself, to make new and interesting friends, to practice foreign languages ​​and significantly save money on clothes.

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Glamor girl in Paris

Let everyone think, She had a bunch of money, and actually, She just knows how to travel independently, without travel agents, and knows, where to buy a dress for 10 USD, in which she will look like a million.

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8. U glamorous girl there are no problems. Not that, to them don't really happen, but she knows how to treat them with ease and solve them, without falling into a tantrum, not harassing friends and acquaintances. Surrounding her life seems graceful and even frivolous. And let people think so!

9. everyone thinks, that must be the glamour girl model, tv presenter, but in extreme cases - the wife of an English lord. Однако, today Glamor girls are found even among ordinary housewives, that can ensure a glamorous life even without a millionaire husband, -they have enough of their own brains.

10. Glamour girl prefers to live in the stylish interior, constantly surprising their friends, - she just knows how to pick things up and color.

Things pink color in the Interior - This stylish!

Things pink color in the Interior – This stylish!

11. Modern glamour girl knows about their own failings, but he can give them to Associates as a newfangled trend. In the end,, its shortcomings are becoming objects of admiration and emulation. Remember at least big mouth of Julia Roberts, curvy shape Marilyn Monroe or angularity Twiggy. A supposedly Jackie Kennedy is desperately unlucky with the appearance. But now all of them - the standards of style and beauty!

What else distinguishes the glamorous girl from all other? Who of celebrities can be called glamorous?



reviews: 16

  • Alexander

    Article written in refined style. Only I thought, that these qualities do not belong to the glamorous girl. Me why it seemed, that glamorous – It's not quite clever, spoiled girl, gonjajushhaja boutique. Opinion changed completely.

  • Alexander

    Interesting ideas to select style, something you can take note of. Thanks to the clever combinations of colors in clothing, You can compose stunning autumn images.

  • Elen

    Oh no,This characteristic is not the glamorous girl….To be so should be above average IQ,No offense…)

    • Galina

      and the glamorous girl, He – below? Excuse me)

  • Luba


  • Oksana

    Natasha Vodianova this Russian beauty! Can she not so beautiful externally, but all other quality it redeem.

    • Xabi

      You have spoken correctly.

  • Dasha

    Perfectly ❤ ️ ️ ❤

  • Lyudmila

    Inspiring a wonderful selection of! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

  • Marina

    Well done!

  • Cat-666

    Oh…….I turns out to be too glamorous)))))))) not thought to be)))

  • Lola

    all och och beautifully!

  • Manjsha

    Very inspiring! Thank you!

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