March 10, 2025

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Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn?

Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn

To develop your own spectacular appearance, It is sometimes useful to know, How to create yourself a celebrity.
Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn are the two brightest stars of the past century.

Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн

On the photo: Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn

They created their own memorable style, attention to detail appearance, hairstyle, gait, manners.

Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн. Фото

Both are adorable, but such different. Audrey Hepburn is a synonym of elegance and grace, Lady to the tips of the nails, trendsetter. Marilyn Monroe as a sex symbol 20 century with angelic face.

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Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн

Hepburn is full of nobility. She's more Lady, not a girl. Audrey Hepburn is a true classic, innocent beauty, the embodiment of femininity and at the same time the complete opposite of what, that was considered a women's (high, brunette, suhoshhavaja, with a boyish figure).

Happiness doesn't come to your life with fanfare. The most beautiful things, those, what give you true happiness, come on tiptoe, quiet… and are waiting, when will you notice them.
Audrey Hepburn

Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн. Фото

Take a look at today's models. They, конечно, more similar to Hepburn, than on Monroe. But Monroe more imitators in the life, and not on the catwalk.

Фигура Мэрилин Монро и фигура Одри Хепберн. Фото

The figure of Marilyn Monroe and the figure of Audrey Hepburn

Marilyn Monroe chose stupid image, but charming blonde and hit the nail on the head. She showed women, How to please men, how to create an attractive and seductive image.

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Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн. Фото

Nobody ever told me about, that I'm beautiful, when i was a little girl. All little girls should talk about, that they are beautiful, even if they are not.
Marilyn Monroe

Many stars imitate Monroe, but no one will ever be able to repeat her smile, her laughter.

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Мэрилин Монро и Одри Хепберн. Фото

by the way, smile is the most unique and memorable in any man. Smile more often!!! Especially don't forget sincerely smile and even laugh when photographing. Because a smile not only glorified Marilyn Monroe. Remember at least the inimitable Julia Roberts. Perhaps, and you shall glorify smile.

Read more:
* Style Marilyn Monroe, its success secrets for men
* Audrey Hepburn: 10 Beauty Secrets

So, still,, Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn? Which one is more beautiful and more attractive?



reviews: 46

  • Anjutok

    If you compare their beauty… then probably the best there is. Both of these women are filled with beauty and femininity.
    From the point of view of many yes men and women – Marilyn prettier. And it's totally understandable. It is understandable why. Due to its, as they say… beautiful forms. Audrey have their has not been. But Audrey was the, what Marilyn didn't have, and this is something much more important than any forms. This soul. Pure soul… NET sredce. In Audrey more femininity to the point of spiritual, not carnal. It fascinates all sovim gaze… She is stunning, Superfine, exquisite taste. And Marilyn – Chippy. Let the beautiful, Let with forms, but Chippy… How many times she was married… and there remained one… because delivered their appearance above, than female happiness to have a family. And then because of this committed suicide…
    Audrey knew life better, Yes… I repeat – This woman with outstanding good taste, chuvstvoi style. Style icon. Icon of femininity. And the beauty of women can be cold… as the statue – then it costs nothing.
    Beauty Audrey can understand not many. Not notice it femininity can only people, not knowing anything in art.
    Audrey is unique.
    Marilyn – simply beautiful.
    Audrey – woman with Big Letters.
    Marilyn – non, frivolous, forever smejushhaja, but her smile enchants… but rather – repels.

  • Zajkun

    In any case, Marilyn Monroe remains the best..

  • MM

    They are both beautiful in their own way. but I his preference for giving Audrey, graceful, stroyna, Yes No figure of Marilyn Monroe, but all the same… She is – the present incarnation of Lady. Although the attraction of Mjerili is not inferior to… In general, both babes!

  • Lilianna

    Marilyn Marilyn Marilyn Marilyn again and absolutely and undeniably!!!
    Oh those eyes House, gubki bantikom and smile, where the eyebrows are raised slightly above the pitiful BlackBerry views) and these 97-61-97? With the growth of 164 and weight 58 kg. It's the ideal settings, the figure of Marilyn as a guitar without a fingerboard! Beauty)

  • Tamara

    Agree with Katie at 1000%!!!!!!!!

  • Kets

    Merlin Monroe the most beautiful ženŝina of all women, hodivših on Earth (my personal opinion)

  • Natalie

    People, about what you say????? Why, then, the producers of such a masterpiece as “Breakfast at Tiffany's” given the main role in the film (which, by the way, predicted Monroe) Audrey Hepburn instead of Marilyn????? And because,
    in Monroe, Unlike Hepburn, even the actor's talent was not. Audrey Hepburn to become an icon of style did not need to undress. Be sexy, showing boobs as Monroe, each durepa can, and Audrey was sexy just standing in the rain or ripping off the apples from the tree. She probudžuvala in males not primitive sexual instincts, and napìvzabutì the noble Knights of manners. Why her style has not came out of fashion, and last year Hepburn acknowledged the most beautiful actress 20 century??? Because her appearance and mannerisms were simple and yet extremely aristocratic. Audrey Hepburn will remain in history forever Princess.
    The, who else is doubt: Audrey brought the perfect formula of beauty, insisting primarily on harmony with itself. Here are the secrets of the beauty of Audrey Hepburn:
    – Lips become seductive, speak kind words.
    – To eyes were beautiful, vipromìnûj good.
    – That figure was slim, share your food with the hungry.
    – That hair was beautiful, Let dititnì hold it fingers.
    – To ensure the procession with the realization, you're not the one.
    – People are more, than things, in need of restoration, promotion, forgiveness. Never anyone "not vikidaj".
    – If you need a helping hand, She is always with you is your own. When you become a senior, catch, that you have two hands: one, to help yourself, the other is to help others.
    – The beauty of a woman is not the clothes, shape or hairstyle. It is the shine of the eyes. Because the eye is the gateway to the heart, where love lives.
    – The beauty of a woman is not in appearance, the real beauty is reflected in her soul.
    – The beauty of a woman grows with the years!

  • Polina

    No doubt, Merlin is the best!!!! Such, as Audrey a lot, as Merlin – one!!!

  • I am

    Here *** write that Audrey: “Audrey is the same ones knuckles”
    Of course if you have *** the elegance and grace here and will not smell… Look at the whole world of fashion even today….??? BBW relax
    and Merlin huge winner glamorise… captivates with its forms it is true…
    <*** - отмодерировано, т.к. оскорбления участников сообщества недопустимы>

  • Julia

    Course of Audrey Hepburn! She is – beauty with aristocratic, refined, angelic appearance. And there's nothing but in Monroe cekcualnosti flaunt. sranivat real beauty and showing just stupid

  • Tamara

    O Lord My God!!!!! Oh and comparing – I'm shocked!!!!! Audrey – It's the same ones knuckles – even pathetic look at them! Though with Liz Taylor would compare – Yes and the, of course not in the topic! Monroe – She is the only woman in the world, on which so much else to say, which emulate and admire! Marilyn Monroe – It is a symbol of, What should be the real pretty woman, symbol of femininity, tenderness, charms, etc.…. You can pick up a lot of words for GODDESS Marilyn! Marilyn – Forever!!!!!

    Well you give! Anyone compare with the blond goddess of all time, Goddess era, the benchmark of beauty, a symbol of feminine charms????? Marilyn – out of competition do just… It is not even contested and certainly not discussed… She beat era and time. Monroe entered the consciousness of people forever and forever they remained unique woman! Nobody can resist – uniquely, While the Earth is alive!

  • Eugenia

    of course Marilyn! well just and compare not worth. Natural data from Monroe more feminine , rounded. Smile, beautiful teeth from birth, for that matter, hair is thick like it or not.. Well, in Monroe simply irresistible!!!!!Just like that!

  • Inna

    My mother woman…and shocked! Razed…MDA!Ta this Audrey just guska and strashko comparison with MARILYN!!!! I think just plain stupid compare what gold (MARILYN) well so that… will not be expressed each guess..

  • Sergey

    I prefer Marilyn Monroe. You look at her delicious feminine form. It is simply mesmerizing and her smile. And Audrey, correctly noticed, too thin.

  • AK

    I am writing this comment on the date of death of the great Audrey Hepburn. It's not just a style icon and a great actress… I think she's just a goddess… Yes, It is the goddess… the earthly embodiment of the goddess of goodness and beauty… Of course, many might say the same thing and Marilyn Monroe, However,… Let's try to dot above and… They're both successful actresses, both just beauties, both impossible to tear off view… Hence one is superior to another in one, another – in something else… I like the guy, I can say only one thing… Merlin is a sex symbol, Yes she's incredibly sexy… of course it's undeniable…. but when you look at Miss Hepburn… It can inspire an act… She is the personification of all elegance and refinement, and let it not as sexy as Merlin but,… When you look at it, you begin to believe in something higher… She simply divine (even in the movies she played Angela), like it not… It is eternal, She is beautiful, She is divine… Bright you memory, Audrey Kathleen Dutch, forever your fan of the AK…

  • Arisha love marlin and Ondri

    I like and Audrey and Marilyn they're both very beautiful.

  • JulliaM

    Of course it's stupid!
    But my favorite Idol, This- Marilyn Monroe. No one wanted to offend. Just me pulling to m. m like a magnet)))

  • Marilyn Monroe

    Personally, I think, that's just silly to compare these two adorable girls. Да, to say honestly, they are the forehead very I like, but still its preferred I pay better of two – This is surely Marilyn! It's a girl, which itself made! From temnovolosoj prostushki Norm Gene Baker, She has become a sex symbol of America last century, gorgeous platinum blonde Marilyn Monroe, and only through their own efforts!
    Marilyn had a chic feminine forms, and here is Audrey more resembled a thin longhaired boy.
    I sincerely sorry, that life Marilyn did not work. She created the image of the foreseeable, but sexual blonde Marilyn Monroe, But beneath this mask lies a real Norma Jeane Baker, девушка, wishing to marry a loved one, have a baby and become a housewife.
    Her life and death will be discussed for a very long time yet. Such a man is worthy of such attention after his death.
    She's the best of the best!

  • Anjuta

    Marilyn Monroe beautiful, sexy, Mila, the eye does not withdraw! But when you look at Audrey Hepburn, you understand, that Marilyn nonsense compared to her! Audrey just chic, the embodiment of style, elegance, a real Lady, She wants to emulate! Individually, they're both Super, but Hepburn of course WINS, If you compare their two!

  • Zhana

    I think you can't compare them at all, This is a totally different images and admirers are as one , and other actresses so far. I like them both, precisely because, What's so different. Just babes

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