February 23, 2025

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Do you like the word “Onion”?

I guess, all have noticed, articles about fashion authors often used the word “Onion”. In fact, there is nothing to do with onions, who eat. The word “Onion” (from the English “look”) in this context, the closest thing to a Word “image”, but “Onion” more precisely expresses the essence of the. Imagine, You go down the street and passes by a girl. The rest of you haven't noticed, a girl this notice, okinuli her gaze, and saw no dress, no boots, No makeup, and everyone in General, is a look.

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The word is uneasy hearing literate people, But however accurately reflects the, what they are talking about. Amazing, that in our “great and mighty” sometimes words are not enough, and something quite simple have to express in a few words, is uncomfortable.

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On the other hand, in my opinion, to the surrounding people should be treated respectfully and with Russian speaking in Russian. Otherwise we, living in Russia, already communicate how Russian immigrants in America, which American has not learned, and Russian forgot.

I personally do not like this word: “Onion” it sounds pretentious (“King greymane looks cool street fashion blog which bows on Dunya's maiden room Ivanavny”).
Однако, have Word use, in order to accurately convey the essence of. Just as we say, glamour girl, - in other words difficult to pass short, that this is the girl, which is able to even the simplest things to do beautiful and fabulous.

Read also:   11 signs of the glamorous girl

I would like to know your opinion, What's less uneasy hearing: “Onion” or “look”, “fancy bows” or “fashion looks”, and can “trendy looki”, “fashion images”, “fashion faces”?
Your options?



reviews: 49

  • Nel

    I think, it's just the new slang, which is not necessary to pay special attention and that years later 10-15 replaced by another. Most approximate analogue of the word “Onion”, in my opinion, It is the word “prikid”, which was used actively in the '90s. Remembers him someone today, except for the very generation 90? And our children on turnover “Onion” will only be puzzled squint. And now for a certain age range and it is a sign of modernity and the steepness. This is normal.

  • Elena

    Here infuriates me Word “Onion” within the meaning of “image”. How could I change the light and air “image” the stupid and heavy “Onion”? Recently svedskie nedolvicy this izvrat where only do not use: “How to improve your bow”, “do not use cheap bow”, “bow to the Queen”. Country club milkers-gardeners, EGAD!

  • Vladislav

    A poor Russian language! It turns out looking not translated in Russian! there are only “image”, “sight” and so on. words very “narrow” meaning. I would recommend around Orchard use find! The modern generation “jablokovyh”, tatuirovannyh, deaths from dystrophy boys and girls, don't know native, When Tom, very rich, language. And it's not patriotism, and in that, What if there is no imitation of the eternal personal completeness. Disgrace!

  • Ksenja

    Onion….And the word style has long to refer to? Pace soon quite Russian language diminishes to nothingness!!!! That for fashion went drag words from English and American slang?! Shame! The Americans didn't really speak Russian and indicate any things Russian words!!! Here let them there will be though Bow, though garlic, though a vegetable garden, and we have let the Style remains!!!

    • Maria

      You do not mind, that Word “style” (By the way, not Russian, and borrowed) in this case, means quite another? The look can be decorated in any style, and may not be.

  • Ellie

    If in Russian there is a full analogue of foreign words, What to eat with this foreign – wrong tone. So do people without taste, poorly educated in the field of mother tongue, but with ambitions, claim on any election. Onion – This vegetable or weapons. Look – This image. And talk “Onion” about the image – means to show off, hinting, that you fashion Maven.

    • Vladislav

      Good answer!

  • Maria

    If professional says “Lookbook”, This, in my opinion, Okay. Well, “Onion” articles about fashion – clearly attaches to, Sorry for the pun. Me in this case always onion in the pot, sitting on a cardboard circle. Yet the words “appearance, image” more harmonious and appropriate.
    Terminology in General should know when to stop. Makes me sick to hear, When the Conference instead “I think, I suppose” sounds “I am assuming the POSITION” – Fu! And examples on the topic “hochut your ubrazovanie show” You can multiply.

    • Ksenja

      How well written to👍😁

  • Наталья

    In the source text:”and saw no dress, no boots, No makeup, and everyone in General, — This is the look.” Amplification particle NO is used only for double negative in the presence of negative particles. Therefore, in this passage needed only particle NOT.
    As for the topic itself,the literate people somehow before this “fashion” slovechka used the Word style and image and it was all clear

  • Andryuha

    Let us introduce the notion of “fashion image”, and all here! And onions, so far, in Russian means either a vegetable, or edged weapons; the word should be understood by all. And that's when something which literaly, which considers, that she “in theme”, He gets up in the morning disheveled, with long hair in all directions- here and will “fancy bow”. ))))

  • Tagir

    In the Russian language have all the words you can express EVERYTHING. Words are not enough (in the sense of lacking) in our holdings of words. Than poorer vocabulary, the more language bows. by the way, instead of reinforcing particles NOR need to use negative DOES NOT. Do not dress, no boots…Either: saw no dresses, no boots,but only the lush bust and long legs

    • Olga

      Are you sure, that is all words and they are not taken? Even curious, How would you have translated the fashion look? Although doubt, that you even remotely understand, what it's all about, – Judging by the text, You are far from fashion. Let's take a simpler example – How will in Russian, for example, “Internet”? What is the Russian word you usually drink instead of words “Internet”? I'll be glad to replenish your stock of Russian words.
      Pro “not” and “Neither” – recommend high school course repeat, start with a simple: “not” with verbs, 5 class.
      In this case, understand, what the author wanted to say, – it correctly pointed out a piece “Neither”. If you use the “not”, you will no longer “Onion”, (a) “the appearance of the”, but it is quite another.

      My opinion: We need to talk “fancy bow” – all, who in the subject, clear. Only a new loanword. I see no reason “reinvent the wheel” and substitute words, that distort the meaning of the.

      • Holmes

        “Internet” – in Russian “network”, or “World Network”. But in this case a foreign word used in connection with the, that previously had no such thing, and the impact of the word justified.
        And here is the “Onion” – This is vypendrjozh educated people, trying to thus show, what they have “rich” intelligence. Detestable Word, actively promoted by one tabloid newspaper. Some also tried to introduce some time ago “glamour”, not understanding plain, What does it. But skazanula – and pretended “Smart”. All these “Luke” and “glamury” – the updated lexicon Jellochki Ljudoedki (see. “12 chairs” ILF and Petrov, for those, who does not know), Yes and intellect appropriate.

        • Olga

          Well, and ... Your suggestions? This is what you wrote? Trying to say, that all around the fools, and you're one D'artagnan?? Not proposing the no option on the subject under discussion. Unconvincing happened. In your case, I recommend to start with the word "intelligence". Then, try to learn and "onion" with "glamour", equivalents which pick up in Russian language it is also difficult to, as the word "intelligence". No offense.
          Learn words – It is interesting to. Inclusion of new loanwords replenishes vocabulary and develops the mind. The inclusion of, but no replacement! And, Since you raised the topic about Jellochku – you used the wrong comparison. Read a book, She is now very topical. The problem was not that Jellochki, that she used the borrowed words (with them-or even had a problem), but the fact that her vocabulary was just 30-minute words and it is not to. Just remember, not to okonfuzit'sja in polite society. This comparison is suitable, for example, for those, who speaks “mat” – their vocabulary is very small., Therefore,, brains do not strain, It is easier to insert “mat”.
          Used loanwords nothing naturally disgraceful no, and this is not exactly a sign of poor education. Vice versa, only people can eat correctly formed not only Russian, but new loanwords. Sign of the same weak education and “appropriate intelligence” are, for example, jargon words (“vypendrezh” etc.) – It is better to avoid them.

        • Galina

          And I am reminded of the movie Pronya Prokopivna “two hares”. 😁

      • Vladislav

        (A) “in theme” – It is a modern generation of eager happiness on the vast expanses of mother Russia, generation of sweet girls and boys, who have learned to distinguish the rags on the shelves, more often than not in Moscow or St. Petersburg, because in other cities, and there are no such stores:))). Go sing trendy garlic with Bacon and rye bread and go into GUM shock sellers fashionable “ACH” breath.

  • Olga

    I fully share the opinion of Xenia!

  • Ksenia

    Of course, you need to talk “image” – It's exactly the same thing, and all these views, that supposedly “Onion” expresses the concept more accurately, are devoid of truth.

    • Alevtina

      Correctly! And bow ostav′te on grâdke.

  • Anastasia

    To me 23 and all sorts of foreign words type “Onion” besyat me no less than your. Is it really so hard to speak in Russian.

  • Light

    Lately too often stumble on this word and invariably jars. But perhaps the youth of another view?? Most likely foe a week and disappear – well ugly it fits in Russian speech.

  • March

    I think, all these “Luke”.”mast-hevy”, “ctal-sizony” from ignorance of their mother tongue, and easier from, to put it mildly, nedoobrazovannosti. All this fits perfectly into the well-known expression “Let Dun'ku in Europe”. Unfortunately, superficiality of knowledge, illiteracy, Camo confusing slovcami, literally carries the young, which
    and don't try to look in the dictionary and find rodnoye Slovo.
    As far as slang in the fashion world, Here is generally full of porridge. It's like code words, that create the illusion of initiation to the mysteries of the mysterious world of fashion and not important, that speech can go about normal hairdressers, or tailors…

    • Elena

      Fully support you! I was incredibly warps this distortion Russian speech (I can not imagine, that in English-speaking countries suddenly began to actively embed “to boast” Russian words…). Да, we now have many – wizard to create “illusion of communion”…(Thanks for the formulation)

  • Наталья

    Really crazy, besjachee Word!!! Do not use Russian words? The more words and their many variations! In my understanding, the onion and the image is one and the same…

  • Iljezija

    “which American has not learned, and Russian forgot.”

    The American language does not exist.

    • Mary Poppins, Translator

      In addition to English, there are American, Australian and many other languages based on English. Believe me, they are very very different. But for those, who does not know even English, It's all the same. Unfortunately, in the Russian Federation education is getting worse, I guess, soon and will know only Russian emigrants.
      The word “look” It is difficult to translate into Russian in one word, but still, in this context, “image” the closest suitable. However, the great variety in Russian loanwords, Therefore,, guess the word “Onion” take root.

      • Miss Side

        There is an American English language _variant_. Option – not language, isn't it?

  • Zhana

    It seems to me to verbal number of synonyms you can add another Marina “image”. And in my “trendy look”, “trendy look” and so on sound in Russian is much more harmonious strings-bows. Believe me, I immigrant and in normal speech course sin and put no no non-Russian words. But that's as far as the articles and publications still a supporter as possible misuse of foreign words

  • Jackdaw

    I fully support you. In general I think, that we should come back to read the Russian classics learn more verses for memory improvement and be more broader, because so many Russian words, We forgot and who so clearly can pass things feature.

  • Marina

    English-Russian dictionary to help you:
    Look – view, appearance, the appearance of the, the appearance of the, appearance, expression, appearance, style
    There is still dictionary of synonyms, I am sure you can pick up a decent alternative to

    • Olga

      “Trendy Street types of Dunya's maiden room Ivanovna”, “Trendy Street masquerade Dunya's maiden room Ivanovna”, “Trendy Street appearances Dunya's maiden room Ivanovna” … – You seriously think, that sounds correctly in Russian? It's really not that, even the meaning of other. And there is synonyms. Borrowed words – This is normal in any language, Therefore, “fancy bow” fits best.

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