December 21, 2024

Bla-bla-Fashion: home / fashionably! / Coat, fur coats, jackets / Elegant style back in fashion – so tender and feminine

Elegant style back in fashion – so tender and feminine

The elegant style of dress

Giorgio Armani claimed: “Be elegant-does not mean evident, This means — crashing into memory.” It is difficult to argue with him, After all, these 9 examples of elegant style exactly are remembered for a long time:

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1. Elegant style in grey shades – excellently!

Stylish idea: gray coat and white jeans

Stylish idea: gray coat and white jeans

2. For those, who's behind the wheel.

Short coats

Short coats

3. Pink cashmere is ideal for an elegant way - this style prefer glamorous duvushki.

Pink coat

Pink coat

4. The original coat cut may become “изюминкой” wardrobe.

On the photo: the elegant style of dress

On the photo: the elegant style of dress

5. Cashmere coats and white pants – exquisitely and comfortably!

Classic elegant idea with long coats

Classic elegant idea with long coats

6. Spectacular idea to walk around the city.

For stylish women

For eye-catching women

7. Emphasis - to shapely legs!

White dress and cashmere coat

White dress and cashmere coat

8. Easy classics for self-confident women.

The short coat with white jeans

The short coat with white jeans

9. Not simply elegant, but of excellently gently.

Pink coat with a dress

Pink coat with a dress

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reviews: 3

  • Ekaterina

    Incredibly feminine images, I love this style!!! And not always for this need an expensive brand clothing, I already get by)))

  • Юльевна

    All images are beautiful, in my taste: gently, feminine, элегантно. Beauty! I do not know, what is the name of – cape without buttons, without sleeves, but with cuts and cuffs…very original.

  • Arina

    All enjoyed! I do not know, that better

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