March 10, 2025

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Evening dresses. Prom dresses

On the eve of the holiday you should pay attention to the collection of fashionable Dennis Basso. These luxury fashion dresses are universal: fit for the new year, and for prom, and for cocktail.

Fashion evening dresses with lush skirt:

Вечерние платья, выпускные платья, новогодние платья, модные платья к Новому году
Evening dresses (1), (2), (3). Модная коллекция: Dennis Basso

Fashionable evening dress can be as an independent element clothing, and complete with a wrap. Dress length can be so short, that visible stockings. This option is ideal for an unforgettable new year together and not really suitable for a corporate Christmas party or prom.

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Evening dresses, short:
Платья вечерние короткие, платья для коктейля. новогодние платья, выпускные платья
Cocktail dresses, Christmas dresses, Prom dresses: (4) dress with wrap, long sleeve, (5)dress with wrap, short sleeve, (6) colorful dress, (7)Dark dress.
Модная коллекция: Dennis Basso

Sew evening dresses of the shiny fabrics, as well as chiffon and organza. These fabrics are not only chic look, but create magic image. Fashion recommend to pay particular attention to fur Boas and evening dresses with fur. by the way, now it is fashionable to wear evening dresses with black-tinted glasses.

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Вечерние платья с мехом, новогодние платья, воздушные платья, платье из органзы
Evening dresses: (8) dress with fur gorzhetkoj, (9) Air dress, (10) dress with a Cape fur.
Модная коллекция: Dennis Basso

Classic- long evening dresses:

Длинные вечерние платья: серебристое платье, черное платье, желтое платье с органзой, черное платье с пышной юбкой
Evening dresses: (11) silver dress, (12) black dress, (13) Yellow dress with organza, (14) black dress with lush skirt. Модная коллекция: Dennis Basso

Selected dress? Left to pick up the makeup to dress and don't forget to see trendy hairstyles. Feel yourself Queen of the party!

Read also:   5 fashion lip makeup ideas

Did you any of these evening dresses? Have you ever put on a similar evening dress? As it was?



reviews: 16

  • Jane

    To the new year, such dresses are very suitable. They are magical and wonderful.

  • Наталья

    Lovely gowns. Liked the room 12 Very much, simply the most beautiful of these!! In General, this new year in a beautiful long gown. What a pity, that your graduation could not afford such beautiful dresses…

  • Regina

    A long silvery dress – the most elegant thing! But not for any party perfect, and not for any shape

  • ALE

    Luxurious prom dresses. Even a little magic ) Now I am looking for something like this. Didn't want to sew a dress for prom, but apparently, will have to. Took several models of note. Thank you!

  • Marina

    9 dress like PTS! For prom dress very chic!!

  • aisulu

    Very beautiful, especially dress No. 12 gorgeous!

  • Frola

    And chic, and sought… fully endorse.

  • Nargiza

    Chic, the spangled mob —, beauty!!!!! but particularly liked the dress N 12.

  • Irene

    Sought, Chic, элегантно….vpechetljaet.. color, Silhouette – everything is perfect, I would plat'eca such!!))

  • natalja

    VSE platja prekrasni ja bi vibrala 2,3,8,12,13

  • hope

    Good dress 😉
    I personally liked more pyshnie dresses, especially 3, 9

  • Nella

    Dress with lush skirt I wore on new year 2009 :))) and I sewed it to me to order my mommy. these dresses look great, even if the owner's legs are very thin :)))I advise everyone to!

  • Данара

    And I liked the dresses under number 1 and 8!

  • VIKI

    All the dresses are beautiful. But each must be to a specific place, so I would chose for himself Dennis Basso dark dress. =) very sexy!

  • Olya

    Great, just words no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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