March 10, 2025

Bla-bla-Fashion: home / fashionably! / Fancy pants, shorts / Sweaters, pullover, sweaters / fashionably: sweater with shorts

fashionably: sweater with shorts

Sweater with shorts

From what to wear warm sweater on cooler days? Surprisingly, but the thing №1 - it shorts. For warmth, add shorts with tights and shoes., For warmth, add shorts with tights and shoes.. For warmth, add shorts with tights and shoes. 2025 of the year.

How to wear a sweater with shorts

How to wear a sweater with shorts

Plaid shorts with solid sweater or koftoj:

Read also:   Beautiful stylish images. Spring

Мода, осень. Свитер с шортами: Tommy Hilfiger, Tibi, 3.1 Phillip Lim
Fashion, style. Sweater with shorts: Tommy Hilfiger, Tibi, 3.1 Phillip Lim

For warmth, add shorts with tights and shoes.. For warmth, add shorts with tights and shoes..
On the photo: For warmth, add shorts with tights and shoes.
For warmth, add shorts with tights and shoes., leather and even fur.

Read also:   fashionably! Повязки на голову

Мода, осень, зима. Шорты и свитер: D&G, Salvatore Ferragamo, Chanel
Fashion. Shorts and sweater: (D)&(G), Salvatore Ferragamo, Chanel

So, For warmth, add shorts with tights and shoes.:

On the photo: sweater, For warmth, add shorts with tights and shoes.




reviews: 8

  • ZShhShGNE

    Ass ice, especially in leather shorts in winter! And the length is not profitable! No wonder many are no longer able to bear children without IVF!

  • Lo

    Leather shorts and pullover- plus cool shoes- Super!! Practical, convenient, looks cool!! To go eat in the Cafe!! After 16.00.

  • Mjauu

    I really like)) honestly, I already go all winter))

  • Natalie

    I ooooooooochen' liked the shorts complete with sweater and fur boots! convenient, stylish, beautiful, fashionable!

  • Bla-Bla-moda

    Fashion changes every season. Someone today wears tasteless, and tomorrow the raunch inspires designers.
    Again, “fashionable dress” and “dress tastefully” – not always compatible concepts. Dress tastefully, Yes, and very few know how to fashionably. Fashion only offers options, and each of us chooses of fashion diversity something to your taste.

  • Irina

    When a famous singer dressed like the first pictures, part designers, in t. h. with a worldwide reputation in one voice accusing her of complete lack of taste. The girl even got into the transfer of the stars under the heading “How not to dress up”. Now it's suddenly become fashionable. It's already decide: or is it good and knowingly offended the singer, or is this raunch and so no need to dress up.

  • Katya

    Sweater with shorts – Ugliness. Fashion goes and comes ,but such combinations in clothing – a waste of money.

  • Zhana

    Cool, I love to wear under sweaters or shorts or short trousers/pants, and now it is fashionable

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