March 10, 2025

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Fur for the summer

Why Pro fur we remembered in summer? Yes because it's the fashion hit of the season! Not only this, and the next, 2011 of the year. But not to wait for, When everyone will be dressed in furs, and become the most unique, stylish and Super now, top up your summer wardrobe with clothes from furs this summer. Be one step ahead of everyone and the success is guaranteed!

Read also:   Trendy white dresses

Мех: жакет с мехом Nina Ricci, легкая шубка J. Mendel, меховая накидка J. Mendel, меховой жилет Gucci
Fur, a photo: vest with fur Nina Ricci, easy coat J. Mendel, fur Cape J. Mendel, fur vest, Gucci

Fur wrap or Bolero luxuriously looks with evening dress. Stylish fur looks like with shorts or summer skirt, coquettishly – from flounces and ruffles.
On colder days, choose a light coat without collar and buttons, in the hot-lightweight vest with fur trim.
Fashion secret. Prishej to the beloved summer zhaketu or cummerbund fur collar and favorite thing will again be super.
Maybe combine the fur with a semi-transparent dress?..
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reviews: 7

  • Maurice Benard

    All perfectly)))))))))

  • Asya

    MMM… brilliant as always I porovoza I'm still ahead with last year wearing a summer coat… and people we have in brakes sprashujut “Not hot”. Me Daddy with Okenavy brought this she is very sensual and not hot!!

  • Анна

    Before next summer is the time to get one of these “fur coats”.I like it!!!

  • Lera

    I think generally cool invented! Super!

  • Natalie

    и первый, и второй, и третий, and fourth options miracle! and the first so OH!

  • Natalie


  • Milana

    Pomojmu there voobwe zamechateljnaja idea on sledujwij as,I obazaju Mecha,ochenj krasivo and dorogo,But how I took the zametila,ochenj odivajut mnogie etim Mecha took flight,kakie svetlie lnjanie wtaniwki,wljopochki with kamuwkami under brilliantiki,majechka and mehovaja nakidochka naverh…MMMM,pore priobritatj ))))

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