Как сделать красивые шлепанцы своими руками

Летние шлепанцы – the ideal footwear for the beach and hot summer days. Not worth spending money on expensive brand models, After all, the stylish flip flops you can do at home with your own hands. It is very simple! Order more, such a unique fashionable shoes you can easily make your style, your favourite colour Summer dresses. And not one, and several pairs! See our tips and hints, How to make from regular rubber “v'etnamok” trendy bright sandals with your hands.
Decorate flip flops
Let's start with the easy way, does not require any additional tools.
In order for the, to make simple slippers in the color dresses, enough to take the scarf of fabric suitable colors. This option is very convenient to travel to the sea: You can change the flip-flops every day, – enough take a vacation at sea some flip-flops and a few colored light scarves. In addition, You can make beach shoes more comfortable, leaving the ends of the scarf free, – tie them around the ankles and shoes will be better to stay on the leg.
On the photo: How to make a beautiful summer flip-flops
Another simple way to – to embroider by beads and beaded flip flops:
On the photo: How to make a beautiful summer flip-flops
On the photo: How to decorate summer flip-flops
The following options will be somewhat complicated. For decorating flip flops you will need additional tools, shoe glue and materials for decoration.
Summer sandals with your hands
On the photo: How to make slippers with their hands
Summer beach shoes decorate with beads
On the photo: How to make a beautiful summer flip-flops with stiletto heel
On the photo: How to make a beautiful summer flip-flops
On the photo: How to make a beautiful summer flip-flops
Summer slaps their hands. Step by step
On the photo: How to make a beautiful summer flip-flops
On the photo: How to make a beautiful summer flip-flops
That's how many interesting options of decoration you can think!
Now you know the basic principles and can create their own unique flip flops.
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What are the only people well done – don't sit and do not lose heart – and create beautiful things – WELL DONE